Saturday, 30 April 2011

last day of april!

well i m supposed to be studying now but then here i am updating my blog.
bad girl. bad girl am i..
tomorrow, im going to have my

MARKETING paper, which will be one of killer paper!

and on 2nd may im coming back to shah alam, but seriously, im not looking fowards at all to go back this semester break,
i just feel that i want to be here in penang.
it the same anyaway, in my house here alone , and at home there alone.
there no different at all..
there not really a purporsed there, so i dont know why.
and im so feelingless to go home.

but anyway, i hope i can do well. i have no idea whats wrong with me now..
i dont want to make other things disturbing my focus right now.
mood study datanglaa please,
tinggal nak baca je ni!
i really need to focus this last minute!

i will off now and try to read my notes. so guys pray for me tomrrow really need it :) tq.


Sunday, 24 April 2011

weird right, when we stress and bored we will do ANYTHING!


(sbnrnye since just now ive been stalking people blog cause damn bored. then i found this test so out of sudden just nak answer test ni and post.. korang layan la kegilaan aku ni yeh) [peace out guys]

1) nama-nama pelik yang orang lain pernah panggil kau?

- gonats

- sayur

- chubby

- nutsiest girl

- congga longga

- comot

- nadoya

2) pernah merantau ke?

- wait is this count?
-  i do when i camping : langkawi for 7 days
- celebrating mr stitch birthday at terengganu
- and staying at penang nw almost a year

3) keturunan?

- emak; malbari + mamak + arab etc, (im nt so sure hw many more tsk)
- abah; malay, melaka malay

4) hobi kau?

- cooking

- reading

- jogging

- dating (hehe)

- almost everything with ing~~ hikhik

5) peel makanan kau?

- i dont eat rice! (i mean like everyday okeyh)
- i need vegetable everyday!

- love only healthy food (im very health concious)
- i hate fast food

- kena ada pedas

6) kau rasa kau pelik tak?

kalau tak kenal aku pun kau mesti cakap dia ni asal gila sangat.. hahaha, yesh i am weird laaahh.. im a very crazy and a very weirdo! even orang yang da kenal aku bertahun pun atleast once in a while soalan 'nad ko ni asal pelik sangat' haha takkan penah miss seyh, so yes IM A WEIRDO.. =D

7) kenapa kau jawab soalan boring ni?

sebab aku tengah boring, really bored!

8) kau nak tag sapa2 tak?

taknak, really no thanks, tak nak diorang terjebak cam aku..

9) kau ni jiwang tak?

bole la kadang aku LAYANNNN je.. bt mostly seganas2 aku romantic itu perlu kan?

10) kau suka masak tak? masakan kegemaran?

duh.. like eversince LOL.. sekarang pun aku ambil course culinary arts so buat ape lagi kalu tak brush up my cooking skill kan..  i love to cook western food, especially saladss!

11) perangai pelik kau?

- aku diam bila aku marah

- aku menangis bila aku nak release stress

- aku suka sangat makan tauhu dengan sos

- nasi bukan makanan ruji aku, its sayur! hee

- aku akan bwat keje gile yang bulew bagi aku adrenaline rush bila aku tak dapat control diri aku

- aku suka duduk dalam gelap sebab its calm me down

- aku suka panjat and jerit-jerit bila aku hyperactive tak kisah kat mana2

- kalau weekend or cuti, aku malas mandi, malas makan, malas keluar rumah sebab aku rasa tak penting pun semu tuhh.

12) dah berapa kali couple?sekarang single?

well, to be truth i hate to be in a relationship when tak serious laa..
tapi i still does haha. so the truth is bru dua kali je sepanjang 19 tahun ni hidup. and now still with my sayang la..

13) cepatlah jawab soalan atas tadi.
- da jawab da pown, pss sengal laa.

14) kau nak melancong ke mana?

- Australia

- German (nak jumpa AXEL!)

- Paris (Nak improve my cooking skill and used my french yg da blaja ckit2)

- New Zealand (nak visit bukit2 kt sana and skiing!)

- London (tu kota2 yg lawa kat sana tu)

- and kat mana2 yang ad DISNEY LAND teringin sangat2! (klu bole honey moon skli :p)

15) boring tak test ni?

tak la, cause aku pun tengah boring!

16) haiwan yang pernah kau pelihara?

- ikan arowana

- ikan laga
- ikan emas hitam

- ikan flowerhorn

17) kau rasa kau hebat tak malam pertama nanti?

weyh ! apakah? kau boring sangat eyh sampai tanya soalan cmni?

18) kau rasa kau hot?

kata pown sekarang aku stay penang? ko rasa penang ni cmne? of course la, Im freaking HOT here!

19) happy tak test dah nak habis?

tak la sangat, cause aku tengah boring ni, rasa cam nak layan jew.. huhu

20) listkan 10 nama-nama orang yang paling kau sayang selain keluarga.

1) Zai Zeffery

2) Kathleen Fernandez

3) Suhaku

4) Wardah Sakinah

5) Coconut

6) Axel

7) Afiq

8) Kimi

9) Fae

10) Housemate akuh!

bwat masa ni, nama diorang la terpahat di sanubari.. ramai lagi laa but mereka2 ini la yang teman saat suka duka aku sentiasa.. thnx guys :)


can i make it this sem?
hmm, like seriously, i have no FREAKING idea.

so here it goes, yesterday was my first test, and i did bad with my ctu (agama) essay.
its not that i didnt read, well i did study for my test, yes i did, i dont know what went wrong.
so now im upset with my self..

i really want to score again, and i want to score much better pointer for this sem, but can i make it?
i really dont know..
im kinda different this sem, its like my spirit went missing, it comes and goes like wind..
problems sometime just keep coming,
and i seems cant find a way to avoid it..

i need you now ---------> ZAI ZEFFERY B ZAINUDIN

well anyway, i do miss him,
but the important thing now is.............................

nats do your best!!
i need to get DL again, if not i will be totally made my mom feel i dissapointed her and.....
i will embrassed with him and myself!
i probably will avoid seeing you zai if i didnt get DL this sem, cause i do feel inferior,as you are the genius one..
so GONATS, pray for me guys..
i want to be able meeting him without feeling damn DOWN!


p/s: i got 3 paper left ( BEL, MARKETING, FOOD SCIENCE)